HI Guys….🔥 Join me as I delve into the intriguing world of Hot Yoga and Non-Hot Yoga, exploring their differences and surprising similarities. 

🙏  But first, let's unravel the essence of Hot Yoga; Ghosh, Bikram & Barkan, and dive into a specific style of Non-Hot Yoga; The Krishnamaycharians; Iyengar, Ashtanga, ViniYoga & Vinyasa.


📣 Join the conversation: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to stay updated with the latest Hot Yoga insights, hit the Like button if you found this video informative, and please don't hesitate to leave a Comment to share your thoughts, questions, or simple say hi!…..Love & Light, Jimmy


3 Hot Yoga EXPERT TIPS for a transformative practice 🔥.


UNLOCKING Your Potential in HOT YOGA: Mastering the Art of BREATH!